About Me

Hey! My name is Shyla and I am an avid, life-long reader and horror buff.

My horror fandom is so extreme, in fact, that it led me down a long and narrow academic path, ending in a Master’s Degree in Film Studies for which I wrote my thesis on the portrayal of women (specifically, Final Girls) in slasher movies… yep, I’m that level of nerd. I have since left academia behind, and as a new mom, I no longer have much time to binge-watch Final Girls taking out masked killers, but I do still make plenty of time to read.

I recently discovered a whole new world of meta-horror novels that revolve around Final Girls and their stories, and I want to READ THEM ALL. I then want to write about them all (see above, re: nerd). Hence, this blog (read more about the concept here).

And so my journey begins, I hope you’ll join me. But BEWARE what lies ahead. It could get… bloody.